What is ARFID?

ARFID, or Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, is a type of eating disorder characterized by limited food preferences, avoidance of certain textures, colours, or smells, and a reluctance to try new foods. It’s important to know that ARFID is a genuine medical condition and not a choice.

Common Traits of ARFID

  • Limited Food Choices:
    • Preferring a small range of familiar foods and avoiding many others.
  • Sensory Sensitivities:
    • Being sensitive to the taste, texture, colour, or smell of certain foods.
  • Avoidance of Foods:
    • Refusing to eat specific food types, such as soups or vegetables.
  • Fear of Eating or Digestive Problems:
    • Feeling anxious about the possibility of choking or gagging while eating. Feeling anxious about becoming sick or in pain after eating in the absence of any health condition or evidence of on going pain or sickness.

Having ARFID does not define your worth. It’s a medical condition, and you deserve understanding, support, and proper care.

Tips for Managing ARFID

  • 1. Be Respectful:
    • Avoid pressuring to change their diet or making negative comments about their food choices.
  • 2. Provide Options:
    • Ask what they can eat or offer a variety of foods to choose from, and respect their preferences. Allow them to eat their own food and drink rather than yours if that is their preference.
  • 3. Avoid Judgment:
    • Remember that ARFID is a real medical condition, and it isn’t fussy eating, a “fad” or a choice.
  • 4. Create a Comfortable Environment:
    • Make meal times relaxed and free from stress or anxiety.
  • 5. Encourage Small Steps:
    • Celebrate achievements, like sniffing a new food or eating a tiny portion of a challenging one.